Totally Spies Wiki


He appears in "Danger TV" as a producer of a television show of the same name after his celebrity gossip show got cancelled for being too boring. He abducts various show hosts and celebrities and makes them do crazy stunts.

At the beginning of the episode he abducts Bobbee Honeybee as the latter is performing a show. He is bound to a car that is to be pushed off a steep track ramp like a roller coaster. After the spies save Bobbee, the Producer becomes annoyed by the interruptions. The girls confront him on the rooftop where he tells them his plans of making his show have high ratings before escaping by helicopter.

Next he abducts a car racer, Antonio Spedino, and Mandy from a restaurant. He ties the two to a motorboat to endure a deadly stunt course. The girls arrive to stop him. The Producer activates the film boomerang and captures the girls. He places them in the boat with Mandy and the race car driver.

He then sends robot sharks after them. The girls manage to get free but the producer refuses to give up his charade. He informs them that the boat will go through a roller-coaster before crashing into the Eiffel Tower. However, much to his surprise, the boat ends up on top of the tower instead of crashing.

He then makes his last and final attempt and gives them a ten second countdown. The girls manage to rescue Mandy and the race car driver. The producer's airship crashes into the motor boat and explodes. He is later seen falling into the river before being pulled out and arrested by Jerry Lewis.


  • He is returning in Season 7.
  • The Producer resembles Ken Masters from the "Street Fighter" series and Prince Adam/He-Man from "He-Man". Both have short blond hair. The producer has straight bangs like Adam.
  • The Producer's white suit and red shirt resembles Ken's civilian outfit from his anime appearances in "Street Fighter II V".
  • His show is similar to Adrena Lynn, from Disney's "Kim Possible". Lynn is a fake extreme sports media star who is exposed as having acrophobia.

